High salaries and high perks..does it make sense.??

I often wonder on the ironies of our lives. Has anyone noticed how the corporates spend explicit amount of money on the people at the higher ends. I mean its absurd that you pay the managers huge amounts of salaries, and they get the best of additional benefits too. And when it comes to providing benefits to the employees who are paid less, there is hardly any enthusiasm in the management.why? Shouldn’t we focus on the employees at the front end who are doing all the ground work, physical labour and are usually putting in more time to work than the managers. Yes, some will argue that the managers are more qualified and hence are paid more. Agreed. Pay them more, but the additional benefits like weekly offs, leaves, transportation and food etc. should be focussed on the employees who are paid less. Because a manager is already earning enough to spend a few dollars if he needs some facilities, while the same basic facilities become a stress for a person working at the lower ranks.

When you no longer expect..

It is said that you find love when you are least expecting. So true it is. But not just love. Life has its own strange ways to teach us, and test us. The moment you decide to let go, life rewards you with a gift. When you no longer expect anything, life surprises you with something so amazing. And it’s when you realize why you went through all that pain. Because it’s worth it.

When you no longer expect..

It is said that you find love when you are least expecting. So true it is. But not just love. Life has its own strange ways to teach us, and test us. The moment you decide to let go, life rewards you with a gift. When you no longer expect anything, life surprises you with something so amazing. And it’s when you realize why you went through all that pain. Because it’s worth it.

A challenge to myself

This is the fifth day of my resolution to one post a day for 30 days. And now I realize what it feels like. A constant thought at the back of my mind, throughout the day, that I haven’t posted anything today. The pressure to not to let myself down by giving up so early. I do not want to share something very random. I want my post to be worthy enough. So here I am, finally penning down what I am going through right now. But this is worth it. I am challenging myself to be better and to stick to what I have committed.